Course curriculum

    1. Welcome

    2. Download the workbook

    3. Road map

    1. Introduction

    2. Planning, prep and what to expect

    3. Quick start guide if you are on a small budget and you want to get started quickly!

    4. (NEW) Goal setting and Results

    5. The 7 step process

    1. Equipment (new updated videos)

    2. Getting to know your tools and how to use them (new updated videos)

    3. Important Tips and Secrets of Success

    4. BONUS (New) Painting Guides

    5. BONUS (NEW) Artist's Mindset

    1. Sunday Blooms Welcome

    2. Sunday Blooms Download your shopping list

    3. Sunday Blooms Part 1 - Intro, Floral Study

    4. Sunday Bloom Part 2 - Let's get started

    5. Sunday Blooms Part 3 - The Fun part

    6. Sunday Bloom Part 4 - Snap, Tag & Share

    7. Welcome to flow

    8. Download your shopping list

    9. Snap, Tag & Share

    10. Flow Part 1 - Intro and Inspiration

    11. Flow Part 2 - Equipment & Let's get started

    12. Flow Part 3 - Finishing Touches

    13. Flow Paint to water guide

    14. Flow Loosen up your painting style

    1. Basic Ingredients to paint flowers

    2. Challenging Flowers

    3. Backgrounds

    1. 30/70 Rule

    2. Rule of third's

    3. Intuitive Composition

About this course

  • £497.00
  • 49 lessons